The past week has been a really good one! Classes have been going well; they aren't too hard, but I do feel like I am actually going to learn something from them in the end. I also feel as if for the most part, I've really lucked out with my schedule (one class MW and 4, all in blocks, on TR) and teachers (my favorites being Elsa and Nerea). So all is good on that front.
As for my host family, I am still absolutely in love with them! My host mother is one of the nicest women in the world, and she'll do almost anything to make sure that I'm comfortable and having fun. My dad is a little bit quieter and he works a lot, but he is always super kind and generous as well. And as for the two boys, they are adorable and so much fun- they're my little buddies! If there's ever a moment at the apartment where I start to feel bored or wish I was doing something else, I can just hang out with the boys a little bit and they always distract me and cheer me up. As promised, here are some pictures my little ones:
Alejandrito <3 <3
Reppin' the ILLNI gear :)
And Javi Bebe! Stepping on his brother, nbd.
Alejandro drawing all over my journal, as usual.
My guys.. They're pretty much the best. Except when they wake up at 9 am and start either crying very loudly, or screaming while playing. You can pretty much always count on that. But luckily my love for them outweighs that! :)
Anyways... This past weekend was a lot of fun! A lot of people began their traveling this weekend, but some of us stayed back once more and decided to start next weekend. The only unfortunate part was, of course I did not bring out my camera at ALL. But I can give a little summary: Friday consisted of about 12 of us going out to get tapas, searching for a bar that no longer exists in Granada, and ending up spending the entire night at Tantra. With lotsss of cheap beers. Saturday stayed more relaxed, just going out to get tapas with Meg, Madeline, Logan, and Bruce at a GREAT Chinese food place, where they let you choose your tapa (!) and give you a big portion of it, too. Then, Sunday was the most interesting night out of them all..
First, me, Meg, Logan, Madeline, and Esteban met around 11 at Burger King (central spot. Didn't get food there, though. Really). There, we made our first Spanish friends! Sure, they were all about 16 years old and we're pretty sure we became friends just because we wanted things from each other, but hey, they were Spaniards! We then all met some other people in our program at a plaza to pregame. This lasted until about 1, but of course that is far too early to go to a discoteca in Spain.. So we stopped by a local bar (with a foosball table in it.. How cool) and then around 2 ish, finally got to El Kapital. Now THIS discoteca was unlike any that I've seen so far. Can you picture in movies the stereotypical raging club with lit up stages, people dancing on them, the DJ booth way up high, crazy lights everywhere, and everyone fist-pumping (or was that just us?)? Well, that's what this bar was like. I didn't take any pictures, but here's the most similar thing I was able to find:

People were pouring into the bar all night long. There was still a line when Meg and I decided to leave around 3:30 am. (Which we've learned is FAR too early to leave a discoteca, and that next time, we're going to start our night a lot later so we can last longer!)
Then was the disaster that is Meg and I... So we're walking home, and it's a fairly far walk and we're tired. So part way through, we decide, let's grab a taxi the rest of the way! Knowing that it's cheap, and we each have 2 euro left, we grab one. Once inside, we notice that for some reason, the price is already at 2-something euro. As we start to drive, we notice the price going up .10 euro about every 4 seconds (even at red lights). Then, when he finally does stop, about 1.50 more is added to the price. While beginning to panic and get out of the car, Meg drops a euro underneath the seat. This was accidental, but we can pretend it was on purpose because it was actually genius/our only escape. We didn't have enough money for the man at all. So we pretend that we dropped a 2 euro coin, awkwardly search for it as long as we can, then luckily the driver told us "esta bien". We ran out of that taxi unlike anyone has ever done before. Americans.....
So it's been a good weekend overall! Today was a day of just relaxing, hanging out with my host family, and going for a run/playing soccer in the park for a while. Hopefully it's done raining, like it has been the past couple of days here!
Next weekend is my trip to Madrid, where I plan on seeing all of the sites and going to the Real Madrid game! I am BEYOND excited and will have plenty of photographs upon my return.
Until then, adios!
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